Complete requirements analysis and comprehensive plan are the basis for the success of the whole software development project. Whenever we understanding of your requirement, we proceed to design and develop a system that you really need and the one that can make your system more efficient.
Our engineer can realize software for different application like :


Our know-how allow us to develop control system applications for most of DCS, PLC and SIS manufacturers in the market.
What differentiates us is the ability to develop functions and dedicated algorithms as well as customized solutions that go beyond traditional control functions.

As part of our “core competences” we include:

  • Analysis, software development and implementation of PLC ,SIS and DCS.
  • Network systems’ development and implementation.
  • Configuration  of communication protocols and interfaces for data exchange


Our know-how allow us to develop F&G system based not only on PLC but olso on dedicate system , addressable and conventional , like: Notifier , Simplex Siemens, etc…